The Perfect Stage Crew TV Show


Producer's Report


Day Thirteen


The Perfect Stage Crew is theater's newest and best reference for crew sponsors and technical directors; available from the publisher, Allworth Press, or at

On Day 13 the PSC "tooled" up to Fell's Point to put the finishing touches on the set. It was mostly painting, hanging coat hooks and hat hooks... "dressing" the set to get ready for Thursday's opening. One added surprise was the presence of Katie, Piper dragged her along to lend a hand with the details of the cyc. John shot the last frames of video, except for Tuesday, and pitched in with the screwgun and drill. Otto dotted the i's and crossed the t's on the cyc. Mr. K conferred with the director, Sharon Weaver, and we put it all to the test. A couple of things didn't work, one was actually having the TV set on for the show. It gave a nice glow on the floor, but the audience could see the snow reflected in the shop windows.

We decided if Partners makes it to Broadway we'd make the TV work, until then, it's a K-mart Blue-Light Special.

Mr. K. is going up Monday to deal with the cash register counter. The last day for crew is Tuesday, 1 - 9. It will be mostly painting until dinnertime, then everyone on the PSC gets to be a camera operator for the penultimate dress rehearsal. Wednesday we'll leave the entire show in the hands of the running crew... Das, Mary, and Ms. Weaver. Thursday is opening night.

All PSC get comps, let Mr. K. know how many tickets you need.

The show closes Sept. 5, any PSC in town is asked to make plans to go up the sixth (after 3) for strike. We may try to rope a few unsuspecting outsiders into helping with the strike.

Stay well,


The Perfect Stage Crew is theater's newest and best reference for crew sponsors and technical directors; available from the publisher, Allworth Press, or at

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