The Perfect Stage Crew TV Show


Producer's Report


Day Twelve


The Perfect Stage Crew is theater's newest and best reference for crew sponsors and technical directors; available from the publisher, Allworth Press, or at

Day 12 had all the feeling of a wrap-it-up day, since we're not actually running this show we made "final" adjustments and tidied up the corners. Six tired but dedicated PSC'ers made the commute (Jesse, Piper, Abby, Otto, Kevin and Ivy). Abby has been promoted to Lighting Designer Emeritus, and has retired for the short term from the PSC. She's off to vacation then college, and will not actually get to see her own show. Otto has graciously accepted the responsibility of putting Abby's light plot back together should some nefarious outsider or electrical storm ruin it.

It was also the last day for Ivy, one of the PSC camera operators. Ivy logged the most hours behind the camera, though John may surpass her this week since he's not leaving. Best of luck Ivy, and thanks from Mr. K. and the PSC.

Everyone gets a day off tomorrow, then the painters will go up Sunday to doll up the set. There's still one cabinet to build, but it isn't clear what size it is to be (or not to be... sorry). We're inviting K**** and D******** up to paint, but don't know if they are coming yet. Sunday is 9 - 5, and includes a technical rehearsal.

Our last visit before opening night is Tuesday, presently scheduled for 12 - 9. We'll very likely shorten the hours on Tuesday. The objective is to videotape the play from as many camera angles as possible, so we can later present everyone with a DVD of the actual show. The PSC TV show will take longer to "go to press," the Partners DVD will come out first. If you are available to aim a camera we'll need you Tuesday. Reply or call to let me know you are coming.

Partners opens Thursday, comps are available to all PSC. Paul Bogas, the author, will be in town on Saturday for the show, so we'll get a camera up there to get a few words from him (John? Chris, are you back the 21st??) The show closes Sept. 5th, we'll strike the afternoon of the 6th, at the very least the "animation camera" will be there.

There is a Baltimore Playwright's Festival awards presentation later in September. I'll let you know if we get any nominations.

I need everyone's home and college address. Please send that back soonest, especially those of you that I won't see for a while.

John Kaluta


The Perfect Stage Crew is theater's newest and best reference for crew sponsors and technical directors; available from the publisher, Allworth Press, or at

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