The Perfect Stage Crew TV Show
Producer's Report
Day Eight
The Perfect Stage Crew is theater's newest and best reference for crew sponsors and technical directors; available from the publisher, Allworth Press, or at |
Day eight. The PSC drove up to Fells Point in two cars (Abby had to get back early to strike her other show). Mr. K found a close by delivery place so we could stay onsite all day. The "lunchtime field trips" have been fun, but we're getting close to crunch time so we've decided to stay close to home and have our lunches delivered for the rest of the week. In the "am" the PSC dutched the seams of the set and finished off the last flat - it was big (long) and a little bit "racked," which was a problem 'til we realized it would be forced into "plumb" when we attached it to the window unit. Abby hung lights. During lunch we got to see a bit of the video - Chris, John & Ivy have really come through for us, finding great angles and making us all look pretty good on tape. It appears that the crew is sort of getting used to being recorded, and the video diaries look good too. We shortchanged the delivery guy $20.00, could have sworn he said $27.97. (He got paid later.) After lunch we hung the door, selected colors (waiting on the director here), continued to hang lights, and left about 20 minutes late. So far we've kept pretty close to the scheduled leave times. We also decided to go 12 - 9 on Thursday so Abby can focus during rehearsal with the actors onstage, it'll be 1 - 9 if we can talk Lisa into coming up... Stay well, JK
The Perfect Stage Crew is theater's newest and best reference for crew sponsors and technical directors; available from the publisher, Allworth Press, or at