The Perfect Stage Crew



Stage Crew for Partners


The Perfect Stage Crew is theater's newest and best reference for crew sponsors and technical directors; available from the publisher, Allworth Press, or at

After spending the last two years working and living in her high school television studio, Ivy is a newcomer to the stage environment. She graduated from Montgomery Blair High School in June, spending her junior and senior years participating in the television division of Blair Network Communications (BNC), the school's student-run communications organization. She was a producer for Blair's televised morning announcements show, Info Flow during her junior year, and was promoted to Coordinating Producer in 2003. She is excited to finally be able to participate in a production outside of school, and is hoping for similar opportunities in the future. Ivy will attend the University of Maryland, Baltimore County in the fall.

The Perfect Stage Crew is theater's newest and best reference for crew sponsors and technical directors; available from the publisher, Allworth Press, or at